Safety at work at your company's disposal

The Occupational Safety service is developed by the Technical Department of TRASESA and aims to prevent risks in the workplace, through the identification and control of physical, chemical and biological agents that affect the work environment, as well as by studying accidents at work in companies.

How does it works?

Through the Prevention of Professional Risks and the creation of adequate procedures for each company.

Legal Framework

Activities carried out in accordance with the provisions of article 73-B of Law No. 3/2014, of 28 January.

Consult the services included in Safety at Work

medidas de auto-protecao

Self-Protection Measures

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avaliação ruido ocupacional

Occupational Noise Assessment

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avaliacao conforto termico

Thermal Comfort Assessment

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Ergonomics in the Workplace

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avaliação iluminancia

Illuminance Assessment

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Self-Protection Measures

“All establishments must, during the operation of their respective spaces, be equipped with safety organisation and management measures, known as Self-Protection Measures. Self-protection measures must be adapted to the actual operating conditions of the standard use and proportionate to its risk category, under the terms of Ministerial Order no. 1532/2008, of 29 December.”

Decree-Law no. 220/2008 of 12th November and Order no. 1532/2008 of 29th December

Self-protection measures are safety organisation and management measures based on:

  • Preventive measures
  • Prevention procedures or prevention plans (depending on the risk category)
  • Intervention measures in the event of fire
  • Emergency procedures or internal emergency plans (depending on the risk category)
  • Safety records
  • Training in fire safety in buildings
  • Drills
Occupational Noise Assessment

It is a legal obligation to eliminate or reduce excess noise in workplaces, making them safer and healthier. This will reduce the likelihood of accidents at work, absenteeism and a drop in workers’ performance.

TRASESA carries out noise exposure studies in the workplace (occupational noise) in accordance with Decree-Law no. 182/2006, of 6 September, which establishes the minimum health and safety requirements with regard to the exposure of workers to risks due to noise.

Thermal Comfort Assessment

The thermal environment is a set of thermal variables that influence the occupant, making it an important factor that directly or indirectly affects their health and well-being and the performance of the tasks assigned to them. Humans are homeothermic beings, i.e. they maintain a constant body temperature within certain limits. Thermal balance is maintained by an organic system called a thermo-regulator, which, through physiological actions, interferes with thermal exchanges with the environment.

The most important parameters of thermal comfort are subdivided into two classes: individual parameters: activity carried out, clothing worn and environmental parameters: temperature, speed, relative humidity and average radiant temperature.

Human activity is strongly influenced by the thermal environment, hence the importance of evaluating it in workplaces and environments in order to change conditions that may be inadequate and implement improvements.

TRASESA carries out thermal comfort studies in workplaces in accordance with the requirements of ISO Standard 7730 – “Ergonomics of the thermal environment – Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal confort using calculation of the PMV and PPD indices and local thermal confort criteria”.

Ergonomics in the Workplace

Trasesa carries out ergonomic analysis work that consists of identifying and understanding the relationships between the organisational, technical, social and human conditions that determine the work activity and its effects on workers and the production process.

Ergonomic analysis seeks to highlight the factors that can lead to work overload (physical or cognitive) and its consequences on health, establishing the critical points that need to be modified or improved.

Based on the observation of working conditions and the reports of the workers themselves, recommendations are drawn up to be applied, which make it possible to adapt workstations to the workers and mitigate the probable harmful effects of carrying out certain tasks.

Illuminance Assessment

Poor or inadequate lighting can lead to errors, lower productivity, accidents at work or a deterioration in workers’ health, which can even degenerate into an occupational illness. Despite this evidence, workplaces are often poorly lit or poorly maintained.

Good workplace lighting is therefore essential if tasks are to be carried out easily (without visual strain), comfortably and safely.

TRASESA carries out studies to assess lighting levels in workplaces in accordance with the ISO 8995:2002 standard – “Lighting of work places”.

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